How do I update my goal?
- Log in at
- Click on Progress.
- Click on the Edit icon next to Current Goal.
- Make your goal updates and click Update Goal.
Mobile App
- Login to the App
- Select the Progress () Icon
- Tap Change Goal
- Select your new goal or create a Custom Goal
Goal Setting Key
Goal Type
Choose to Lose weight or Maintain your current weight.
Goal Start
Set the weight that you would like to record as your starting point for this particular goal. (Specific to a Lose Goal Type).
Weight Loss Goal
Set the amount of weight (in pounds) that you would like to lose during the goal period. (Specific to a Lose Goal Type).
Goal Weight
Based on the data you entered, this is the weight you would like to see on the scale after your goal period. (Specific to a Lose Goal Type - not editable).
Maintenance Weight
The weight you would like to maintain during the goal period. (Specific to Maintenance Goal Type).