What is WondrLink?
WondrLink is your built-in social community. You can access it on both the mobile app and the web by tapping or clicking the WondrLink icon . WondrLink is the place to connect with your coaches, fellow participants, and program alumni for 24/7 support.
What can I expect to see on WondrLink?
Questions for the coaches, tips & tricks, and posts from fellow participants sharing their challenges and successes are just a few of the things you can expect on WondrLink. You’re not alone on your journey—WondrLink is the place to come for ongoing support, encouragement, motivation, and connection.
Do I have to post or comment to be a part of WondrLink?
You don’t need to post or comment to be a part of the community—it’s completely optional! Many of our participants say they’ve gained valuable insight simply by reading what the coaches and other participants had to say, without ever posting themselves.
However, if you find yourself needing a little extra support, your coaches, fellow participants, and program alumni are always there to answer your questions and help encourage you on your journey.