We are happy to help! You may reach our Member Care team or Health Coach team by clicking "Contact Us" and completing the form. This helps our team find your account quickly. You may also reach us by replying to any email that Wondr sends you, or by emailing support@wondrhealth.com
Here are some of our most popular FAQs:
For information on how to retrieve your username HERE
For information on how to reset your password via email HERE
For information on how to reset your password via text code HERE
For information about canceling a retail account, Retail participants click HERE
For information about canceling an account sponsored by your employer, you will need to submit a Help Request to cancel. To do so, click HERE
If you do not see the situation you are needing assistance with above, you can use the search feature to the right.
If you do not see an article that speaks to your situation, please submit a Help Request by clicking HERE