To get started, you will first need to create an account.
How to create a Withings account:
1. Open the App store on your mobile device.
2. Search for 'Withings' and download the Withings App. This is the icon for the Withings app.
3. Once downloaded, Open the App and click Continue.
4. A Pop-Up will ask you to Allow Withings to use Bluetooth with your device. You may need to adjust Bluetooth setting on your device.
5. Next page, choose the option that works for you, your email address, Apple ID or Google Sign-in.
6. Next page, Withings App will email a temporary identification code to the email address associated with the option you chose. Please check for this email. It might go to your spam/junk folder.
6. Enter (paste if you copied) the code from the email into the Withings App.
7. Click to confirm your agreements to the Withings privacy policies. You can read these policies on the Withings support page by clicking HERE Agreeing to the Privacy Policy and 'Your Relationship with Withings' are mandatory but agreeing to communications from Withings is optional.
8. Next page, fill in your user details including name, DOB, height and weight.
9. Next page, you can sync Apple Health to Withings if you wish. It is optional. You can sync Apple to your Wondr account directly if you wish. Read how HERE.
9. Withings offers optional 2 Factor Authentication. If you do not wish to add 2FA to your account, skip to Step 11. NOTE: You can skip this step now but choose to add 2FA later if you wish.
10. Enter your phone number.
11. Tap Continue and you are all set!
You can read the Quick Guide for the Withings Body Scale HERE
IMPORTANT- You will need to Add a Device in your Withings account to get weights from your scale into the Withings app and your Wondr account. To do this, click the Install a Device Icon at the top right of the Home screen.
Choose Install a Device
Press the button on the back of your scale for 3 seconds (pressing more than 5 seconds will confuse the scale) Here are the next few screens.
Your scale will update. This could take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Your scale will reboot to load update.
Choose the network that you want to use. Enter the password on the next page.
You are done! Congrats. Your scale is set up. You can sync it to your Wondr account. For instructions, click HERE
If you have questions or need anything else, you can submit a request for assistance with the Wondr Member Care team by clicking HERE