Wondr Advanced is available if the health plan or employer you are enrolling with has selected it as a part of their Wondr product package & if you meet the program eligibility. It works by combining our science based behavior change program with 1:1 specialized treatment from a dedicated care team that may include prescriptions for weight loss medications.
As you continue to build your Wondr behavioral skills, you will meet with a clinician who will create a personalized treatment plan for you based on your health history, genetics, lifestyle, and personal goals. If you have had lab work in the last 6 months, you can enter the results or your healthcare team will order a series of lab tests to help them create your customized plan.
You’ll have check-ins with a dietitian and a clinician to monitor your progress, troubleshoot any challenges, make modifications if necessary, and make sure you have everything you need to succeed.
Your medical treatment plan will be as unique as you are, and it may include starting new prescription
medications or changing the ones you are already on; meal and recipe planning; goal setting;
slowly adding activity to your schedule; telehealth visits with your care team. You’ll also have access to our health coaches for program questions and support, as well be able to tap into the inspiration and ideas you’ll receive when you connect with a WondrLink online community that we have set up just for Wondr Advanced participants.
For more information, click HERE to submit a request to our Help Desk staffed by member care specialists, Certified Health Coaches and a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.