What is it?
The Explore Library contains resources to help you see the best results and answer questions you might not know you even have. You will find videos on topics such as Gut Health, Shift Works Hints and Wond Move, Activity and Mind Body Break videos to help get you moving.
There are also recipes and resource documents including the Wondr Guidebook plus topical Tip Sheets. Many of the items unlock in sets as you finish weekly lessons. Plus, when you get to Week 25 and beyond, your WondrLast sessions will be stored here as well. These videos can be re-watched as many times as you like.
Where do I find it?
- Go to https://www.wondrhealth.com/Login.html to log in.
- Click on Explore.
- Library sections include, Activity, Gut Health, Stress and Guidebook Resources.
- There are 3 areas, Featured, Saved, Library
Mobile App
- Log in to the app
- Click on the Home () icon.
- Scroll down to "Hungry for more?" and click on Wondr Library.
- Or click Explore on the bottom.
- There are 3 areas, Featured, Saved, Library
Once in the library and checking out a document or video, you can click to Save and it will now show in the Saved section.
We hope these resources help you enjoy the program and see great results. If you need help with the Explore library, please let us know. You can click HERE to submit a request to our Help Desk.