You can add an activity to the Activity List in Progress. To do so, first, click on Progress and look for Add Activity. Here is one place it is found on the main Progress page.
You will see a pop up called, Activity Tracking. Clicking the 'carat' by Activity Type will open a list of pre-loaded Activities. At the bottom, you will see Custom Activity.
Click Custom Activity and it will load a Custom Activity line. You can fill in the new line, Custom Activity with whatever you would like to name the activity you enjoy.
This example adds Archery to the list of Activities by entering a date and duration, then clicking Save.
If you click on Activity again and scroll down, you should now see that the custom activity that you have added is available for you to use again in the future to add another session.
We hope this helps you log activity. If you have any questions or need anything else along the way, please do not hesitate to let us know by submitting a Help Request by clicking HERE